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My Last NYT Puzzle; PfP Book 2: Puzzle Projects Past and Present

Writer's picture: Jacob CohenJacob Cohen

Hi everyone! Just some quick announcements today.

My Final NYT Puzzle

I've got my final Upon Reflection puzzle airing in The New York Times Magazine this weekend! If you want to see my puzzles in the New York Times...well, hopefully you'll have many more chances in the future, but this is the last one you've got for certain! Available with the Sunday issue of the Times. Sadly, not online.

This is also the hardest puzzle that's airing ... though one of my puzzles was rejected for being too difficult. (I'll probably post it here on Puzzles for Progress soon! I also don't think it's super diabolical, they just wanna keep things approachable for magazine solvers.)

A Potential Second Puzzle Book?

It's now been over a year and a half since the publication of my first anthology book, Best of Puzzles for Progress (Barnes and Noble, MoMath). Anyway, that was 2021, and I've made lots of puzzles — better ones, I like to think — since the cutoff for that book. So I'd like to announce that I'm currently considering working on a new puzzle book this summer!

It's still very much in the concept stage, so I'd love to hear any suggestions you have (via email/Discord/whatever) about whether you'd want to see this and what you'd want to see in it! I may send out a survey about this.

[Edit: Plans for a second book is on indefinite hiatus, due to my cost/benefit analysis. If you would like to increase the chance of a second book, I'd appreciate if you solved some puzzles in Issues #53-120 (I figure this is more likely because you might be encountering this page in the process of a PfP binge) and sent me your ratings based on difficulty and quality! (I can guess, but I'm biased so it's hard to determine what is worth going in the book where.) Thanks!]

Thanks to everyone for continuing to hang out here! See you in a week for Puzzles for Progress #110.

PS: If you're an owner of my first puzzle book, there's an easteregg hidden in it! I placed it in secretly — no testers know what it is — and I've stayed quiet about this since I wanted to see if anyone discovers it naturally. But seeing as that hasn't happened in one and a half years, I'm curious if announcing it will cause someone to find it! Or maybe you've already found it and I don't know, in which case I'd love to hear about it. If you find it, you'll know you've found it.

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