Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Three solid returning puzzle types today, Fillomino, Star Battle, and Overpath, and not a ton to say about them, except that they're good solid puzzles! You should definitely do them.
Just for fun, here's a little bonus puzzle: What do these two images have in common? Answer next week.

Anyway, print the regularly scheduled puzzles out using the following links:
Fillomino: tinyurl.com/pfp-56a-fillomino
Star Battle: tinyurl.com/pfp-56b-starbattle
Overpath: tinyurl.com/pfp-56c-overpath
Alternatively, here they are all on one page: tinyurl.com/puzzlesforprogress-56
Or solve the Fillomino and Star Battle online using the following links:
Fillomino: tinyurl.com/pfp-56a-fillomino-o (puzz.link)
Star Battle: tinyurl.com/pfp-56b-starbattle-puzzlink (puzz.link, recommended)
Star Battle: tinyurl.com/pfp-56b-starbattle-penpa (penpa, alternative preferred by some)
And, as always, the answers: tinyurl.com/pfp-56-answers
Next week: Zigzag; Capsules; The King's Arrow Tour
