Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! Whirlpool, Slitherlink, Spiral. Not a ton to say today. They're puzzles, with logic and wordplay and unique solutions!
Print the puzzles out using the following links:
Whirlpool: tinyurl.com/pfp-52-whirlpool
Slitherlink: tinyurl.com/pfp-52-slitherlink
Spiral: tinyurl.com/pfp-52-spiral
Alternatively, here they are all on one page: tinyurl.com/pfp-52
Or solve the Slitherlink online using the following link:
Slitherlink: tinyurl.com/pfp-52-slitherlink-o (puzz.link)
And, as always, the answers: tinyurl.com/pfp-52-answers
Last week: Cell Blocks; Arrow Capsules; Overpath
Next week: Puzzle Spotlight: KenKen
