Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! For the month of January, each week, instead of showcasing three distinct puzzle types, each issue included three of the same type. I titled it "Puzzle Spotlight," and featured the Crossword, Spiral, Enclosures, Capsules, and the King's Tour. It was a chance to really get immersed with the logic involved in a particular genre, and it was a blast to create! So I wanted to make more.
From now on, the first puzzle page of each month will be Puzzle Spotlight! It was quite popular the first time around, so I have no doubt you'll enjoy them this time.
Today, the puzzle type I'm spotlighting is an original: Mirrored Gallery, the puzzle people sometimes accidentally? refer to as "Mirrored Galaxy." I invented it recently enough that I've only made two in the past. So I wanted to give it a chance to shine! I'm definitely happy with these puzzles, they showcase some interesting logic.
Print this puzzle page out by using the following link: tinyurl.com/puzzlesforprogress-40.
If you'd prefer each puzzle on a separate page, those links are also available below:
Just the easier puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-easier
Just the medium puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-medium
Just the harder puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-harder
As for online links, I've made them with Penpa; answer checking is unfortunately unavailable, but it'll do if you really want to solve online:
Just the easier puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-easier-o-fixed
Just the medium puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-medium-o
Just the harder puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-harder-o
And, of course, the answers:
The answers: tinyurl.com/pfp-40-answers-real
Last week: LITS; Kakuro; Crossword
Next week: Whirlpool; Arrow Sudoku; OP
