Hello, and welcome to Puzzles for Progress! I recently discovered puzz.link, which allows many puzzles to be easily created with a nice online interface. Obviously, this won't be an across-the-board change (a minority of PfP puzzles are on that site, after all). But what it does mean is that the Nurikabe from Puzzles for Progress #19 is available online!
That aside, I highly recommend you print this puzzle page out by using the link http://tinyurl.com/puzzles-19. (I'm frankly shocked this TinyURL was available, but I might use this format from here on out) If you'd prefer each puzzle on a separate page, those links are also available below, as well as the link to the answer page:
Just the Nurikabe puzzle, PDF: tinyurl.com/pfp-19-nurikabe
Just the Nurikabe puzzle, online: tinyurl.com/pfp-19-nurikabe-online
Just the KenKen puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-19-kenken
Just the Combinations puzzle: tinyurl.com/pfp-19-combinations
The answers: tinyurl.com/pfp-19-answers
