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#16: Silence; Killer Sudoku; Spiral

Writer: Jacob CohenJacob Cohen

Hey y'all! Before I get into it, a quick announcement to make. Puzzles for Progress is seeking testers! Currently, PfP is basically just tested by my family, but I'm interested in getting a broader group of people to look at the puzzle pages before they get published. Here's a mini-FAQ to explain exactly how being a tester would work:

Do I need any puzzling experience or qualifications to be a tester?

Not really, no! I want to have a wide pool of testers–as long as you're a fan of Puzzles for Progress, you're eligible. I'm not planning on rejecting anyone.

If I became a tester, would I get early access to PfP?

Yes, you'd get to look at draft versions as soon as I make them!

What would my responsibilities be?

Well, you'd have to try the puzzles, and hopefully provide some helpful feedback. Constructive criticism is most effective, obviously–"This blurb isn't totally clear", "You should reword your clue like this", etc. I'd also appreciate hearing which puzzles you like and don't like so I know which ones to make in the future. But it should be pretty chill.

Are there any downsides to becoming a tester?

For fear of stating the obvious, the puzzles you'd be solving wouldn't have gone through testing yet–so it's possible they'd be broken, have multiple solutions, be way too easy/hard, etc. If you want your puzzles to be Certified Actually Good before you attempt them, don't become a tester.

Great, I'm sold. How do I become a tester?

Simply fill out the form at Once people submit them, I'll send more specific details to potential testers on how exactly it would work.

Anyway, puzzle page time! I highly recommend you print this puzzle page out by using the link (If that's not a possibility, you can also upload it to an app like Notability that allows you to digitally write on it.) If you'd prefer each puzzle on a separate page, those links are also available below, as well as the link to the answer page:

Just the Killer Sudoku puzzle:


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